Exploring Corporate Governance Around the World

By Allison Garrett, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Oklahoma Christian University

Thursday, June 01, 2006

ISS on Globalization of Corporate Governance

The ISS blog had a posting yesterday about the globalization of corporate governance. The comments in the posting are taken from Chapter 2 of the 2006 ISS Global Institutional Investor Study, which will be presented during the week of June 5 in a series of webcasts. You can register for the webcasts by going here.

The ISS made the following observations about its study and provided anecdotal information on all of the following points:
1. Investors share similar views of corporate governance, regardless of geographic region.
2. Investors in every market studied told ISS that governance is more important now than it was just three years ago. Chinese investors gave the highest positive responses on the importance of governance.
3. Governance practices are being affected by globalization. As new regulations or practices are introduced in one market, other markets follow suit.
4. The ISS posting also notes the investors are increasingly using their voting power as shareholders to impact practices a companies around the world.

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